The Cure for Cortisol
The Cure for Cortisol
No hormone has a more negative connotation among the general population than cortisol. Traditionally framed as the harmful "stress hormone" and frequently scape-goated as a contributor to the runaway obesity epidemic in the United States, cortisol is essential for human metabolism. It plays a crucial role in how the body processes macronutrients, suppresses inflammation, and regulates both blood sugar and blood pressure.
A search for the word "cortisol" on almost any social media platform will yield dozens of posts promoting cortisol-fighting supplements, protocols, and potions. If you're a female between the ages of 30-60 and have experienced any difficulty losing weight, there is a special morning drink (the secret ingredient is probably lemon juice) you can choke down that will clear that right up! Or so the internet influencers say.
One may be shocked to find out *wink* that herbal supplements and bitter teas likely have little to no measurable effect on cortisol levels, and it’s a good thing they don’t. If adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha had a direct influence on life-sustaining cortisol levels, it could open the door for potentially harmful overdoses or other serious medical complications. Placing your endocrine health in the hands of the loosely-regulated supplement industry is not advised.
So what's the cure for cortisol? We think we've uncovered it, once and for all. Before we can share the breakthrough however, let's take a look at why everyone is looking for a cure in the first place.
The Effects of Cortisol on Body Fat
It may be inaccurate to point at elevated cortisol as the primary cause of fat gain; however, there is certainly a correlation between the two. A primary function of cortisol is signaling the release of glucose into the bloodstream for use as fuel, so it follows that sustained increases in cortisol are linked with insulin resistance. As insulin resistance progresses and blood glucose levels remain chronically elevated, there is an increased likelihood of glucose being stored as triglycerides (body fat).
In addition, elevated cortisol has been tied to increased appetite, which may promote a caloric surplus. So, there does seem to be a connection between high cortisol levels and increased body fat; however it's very difficult to isolate cortisol as the sole culprit.
Factors linked with increased cortisol include:
- Obesity
- Stress
- Pregnancy
- Thyroid conditions
- Certain medications
Even if one is not already obese, any of the factors above are independently linked to body fat gain. To look at stubborn belly fat and point to cortisol as the cause is like blaming the temperature gauge on your dashboard for your car overheating. It is more an indicator of an issue than the issue itself. Yes, it may play a role in certain processes that increase the likelihood of storing excess body fat, but it's only functioning as it's designed to.
Cortisol stimulates the release of glucose into the bloodstream in order to meet increased energy demands at the beginning of each day, or in response to a perceived threat. Along with other adrenal hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline, increased cortisol is associated with our natural “fight or flight” response. Unfortunately, many individuals are entering this fight or flight state on a regular basis thanks to a number of lifestyle factors.
Therefore, the "cure" for cortisol is to stop triggering its release so frequently. Duh, right? Isn't that what the herbal potion is for?
The Cortisol Breakthrough
Time for the grand reveal. Here it is, the revolutionary approach to managing cortisol and preventing excess belly fat. It's a four-pronged approach, which will require focus on these key areas:
- Proper nutrition
- A well-managed exercise plan
- Quality sleep
- Stress and emotional resilience
Yes, at first glance this innovative protocol may look oddly familiar to the fundamental pillars of wellbeing that are important for everyone, all the time. We assure you though, this is a secret cortisol-fighting approach that only we know about! Each of these strategies is backed by scientific research, and are proven to help regulate cortisol levels.
If it's not obvious yet, this is a jab at social media program peddlers using buzzwords like cortisol to sell "specialized" programs. Upon further investigation, many of these programs simply follow basic principles of good health, which doesn't necessarily mean they aren't helpful for some.
However, charging a premium price for information that's widely available for free perpetuates the idea that internet gurus hold all the answers. This leads many individuals to feel like they lack the specialized knowledge to improve their health, or that there is some trick they're missing that would unlock their success, if they only knew what it was.
In reality, the trick that actually unlocks success is building sustainable good habits that can be repeated over the course of months and years. It may be helpful to seek outside support from a trained professional to help navigate the process of changing stubborn habits. That support likely won't come in the fashion of a cortisol hack sold by an internet influencer though.
You don't always need a hormone specialist, and you probably don't have a cortisol-related medical condition. Focus on the fundamentals first, and your cortisol “issue” just might resolve itself.